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How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day

How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day? 5+ Easy Tips to Get Your Water Goal

We'll cover how much water you need, signs that your body needs more water, and share some easy tips to make drinking water a simple, enjoyable habit.
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Let's talk about water and our health. Water makes up to 60% to 70% of our bodies, and it is essential to human survival, as you undoubtedly already know. A lot of things in the body depend on water. It helps keep our bodies at the right temperature, moves air and nutrients around, and gets rid of waste.

We forget to drink enough water every day, though, because our lives are so busy. This can make you tired, make it hard to focus, and in some cases, it can even cause more major health problems.

It's time for something new. To take better care of ourselves, let's make it a habit to drink water every day. 

So, how much water should you drink every day?

Stay calm. In this post, we'll cover how much water you need, signs that your body needs more water, and share some easy tips to make drinking water a simple, enjoyable habit.

How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day

5 Factors Affecting Your Water Needs


As we get older, our bodies are less good at keeping water in because our kidneys don't work as well and we don't feel as thirsty. People over 65 are more likely to become dehydrated, so they may need to drink more water than younger people, even if they don't feel thirsty.


Because guys have more muscle mass than women, they usually need more water. Since muscle tissue holds more water than fat tissue, people who have more muscle mass need to replace their water more often.

Activity Level

When you work out, especially when it's hot or humid, you sweat more, which means you lose more water. People who are more busy need to drink more water to make up for the water they lose while they work out.


People who live in hot or muggy places sweat and evaporate more water. People who live in hot places usually need to drink more water than people who live in cooler places to make up for this extra water loss.

Health Conditions

Some health problems, like diabetes or kidney disease, can make it harder to control fluids and make you need more water. Also, illnesses like fever, diarrhea, or vomiting can make you lose a lot of fluids, so you need to drink more water. Women who are pregnant or nursing need more fluids to help their babies grow and develop and to make milk, respectively.

How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day?

The "8x8 rule" suggesting eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day is a commonly used guideline. It's important to keep in mind, though, that this is just a suggestion and doesn't take into account how different people are.

The answer to “How much water should you drink every day?” will depend on the things listed above. When figuring out how much water you need, these things should be taken into account. You can also figure out how hydrated you are by paying attention to your body's signs, like thirst and the color of your pee. If you're worried about how much water you should drink every day or about a certain health condition, you can talk to your doctor or nurse for personalized help.

6+ Signs of Dehydration and You Need More Water

If you know the signs of dehydration, you can know if you’re getting enough water. Some common signs are:

  • Hungry
  • Tired
  • Headache
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Constipation
  • Dark-colored urine

It could mean that you need to drink more water every day if you notice these signs.

5+  Easy Tips to Drink Enough Water

It can be hard to make sure you drink enough water every day. Here are some useful tips that I think will help you drink more water every day:

Bring a water bottle with you

Having water close at hand makes it easier to drink it every day. Pick a water bottle that you enjoy using and that fits the way you live. You could choose heated bottles to keep your water cool, bottles with timers to keep track of how much you drink throughout the day, or bottles that can be folded up for easy storage when they are empty. Keep your bottle out in the open on your desk or in your bag to remember yourself to drink all the time.

Bring a water bottle with you

Add a Reminder

It's simple to overlook drinking water when we're busy. Setting alarms can help you do what you need to do. During work hours, set your phone's alarm or a reminder app to go off every hour. You can also use apps that are made to tell you to drink water. To avoid getting tired of reminders and stay inspired to drink water every day, you might want to set different tones for different times of the day.

Change the taste of your water

It can get boring to drink plain water, which could make you not want to drink enough. Adding fruits like lemon, lime, or berries to your water will automatically make it taste better. Add cucumber slices for a cool change of pace, or use herbs like basil or mint for a different taste. To make things interesting, mix things like cherry and basil or lemon and cucumber. Making a big pitcher of water in the morning to drink throughout the day will help you hit your water goals.

Change the taste of your water

Eat foods that are high in water

Including things that are high in water in your diet can help you drink a lot more water every day. Not only do foods like watermelon (92% water), cucumber (95% water), zucchini (94% water), tomatoes (94% water), and strawberries (91% water) keep you hydrated, but they also give you important nutrients. You can stay more hydrated all day long by eating these foods at meals and as snacks.

Use a Habit Tracking App

Habitify is a great app for keeping track of how much water you drink and making it a regular practice. Start by creating a new habit called "Drink Water" in the app. You can set how often the reminders happen, like eight times a day, and when they happen, like every two hours from 8 AM to 10 PM. Keep track of your streak by marking every time you drink water. Each day, your streak will get longer. You can see how much water you drink every day, every week, and every month with the progress visualization tools. This will help you find trends and change your goals as needed.

Not only for tracking water drinking, you can also build many positive habits with Habitify.

Because Habitify is so flexible, you can change your water drinking goal if you need to. For example, if it's hot outside, you can make it higher. You can write down how you feel on days when you meet your water goal in the notes section, which can help you stay motivated.  This way, you'll no longer be confused by the question “How much water should you drink every day?”.

Wrapping It Up

To figure out the right answer to “How much water should you drink every day?”, you don't have to stick to a strict number. It's about knowing what your body wants and giving it what it needs. Follow some general rules at first, but pay attention to what your body is telling you.

The fact is that there are many things that can change how much water you should consume. You might need more water than most people if you're busy, live somewhere warm, or have certain health problems. So, talking to a doctor about the question “How much water should you drink every day?” is a good idea. Based on your wants and health, they can give you advice that is just right for you.

Building a habit of drinking enough water every day isn't just about health - it's about caring for yourself. Self-love done in this way can make a big difference in how you feel and how you do things. Take that first sip, and know that you're doing something wonderful for your body and mind. You've got this!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much water should you drink based on your weight?

A general guideline is to drink half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water per day. But your needs can be changed by things like how active you are, the weather, and your general health. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses (64 ounces) of water every day. If you work out or live in a hot area, you might want to increase this amount. If your body tells you it's thirsty, change how much water you drink.

Is 2l water a day enough?

Yes, 2 liters of water per day is generally considered a sufficient amount for most adults to stay hydrated. It's in line with what most experts say and helps the body do many things. It's always a good idea to pay attention to your body's thirst signals, though, because your needs may change based on things like how active you are, the weather, and your overall health.