Join a Habitify Challenge! (Our Major Update)
Vision for Challenge System
Having spent the last few years developing Habitify, we see that for people who are just beginning to build habits, a tracking tool isn’t enough.
We all struggle with motivation from time to time. Implementing a new habit is hard work. It requires us to stay committed and disciplined, to sacrifice our old way of living.
But what if we can make that process fun? This is the guiding question for us in 2021.
We want you to successfully build your first core habit with Habitify, be it meditation, reading, running, walking, exercising…
We have pin-pointed that accountability is a major boost that people can have. By building habits with friends, with people who are also going through a similar journey, we gain that extra commitment to push through and stick to our habits.
Thus, we want to introduce you to our Challenge System: a platform to make habit-tracking fun.

Use Case for Challenge
With Habitify Challenge, each user can enjoy building habits in 3 different ways.
- Compete with people also building that habits in a fun game
- Stay accountable with your friends
- Host your own challenge and help others build habits
So How Does The Challenge System Work?
We think gamification can turn a difficult task into an engaging experience. If only we have the same vibrant energy in improving ourselves like we have with playing video games right? (Wow, this sounds like such a parental advice). Hence, we want to introduce each user joining Habitify with a-carrot-and-a-stick in building habits.
With each challenge, users will focus on one habit and one habit only. Deliberate focus beats scattered efforts is the mental model here.
If you manage to remain consistent with your habits, you will be honored in a global ranking leaderboard. Remember that feeling of achievement when you beat all the other kids’ high scores at the arcade machine back in the day? No, just me? Well, now we believe a little bit of healthy competition can spice things up.
The longer your streak, meaning the consecutive number of times you manage to complete your habit, the higher you will rank. If you happen to share the same number of streaks with another, your total amount of activity will be measured to ensure the better person stays on top.
Sounds fun yet? Well that’s just the carrot part.

Now to the stick. The punishment of not doing our job well.
If you happen to not complete your habit, you lose your streak. You will need to build your ranking back up from ground zero.
Just imagine, you having that glorious number 1 spot for 20 days, and then feeling lazy and forget to meditate for 1 day. You will wake up with a new ranking at around 700.
Ouch! Of course, we still have Skips as an option to protect our streak, with a very limited number of times per challenge.
But that’s not all!
To make things more interesting, like every engaging video games or movies, stake should be involved.
We want to introduce a new concept with the Challenge system: Habit Strength.
A habit is only strong if it’s repeated. So, if you miss 3 times in a row, you will be ELIMINATED from the challenge.
Meaning you will need to check-in and get back on track very often throughout the challenge.
So to wrap-up the 3 most important thing that makes Habitify Challenge different:
- Each challenge focus on 1 habit for maximum focus
- Leaderboard ranking will reveal the most consistent participant
- You need to get back on track or you will be eliminated
What User Will Do in a Challenge
There are two types of challenges in Habitify: (1) Public challenge which will be hosted and organized by Habitify; (2) Private challenge which will be hosted and organized by users.
You can invite your friends in both types of challenges. Everyone can view and join the public challenges, but you can only join a private challenge if you are invited. Or, you can create your own challenge, just as simple as creating a habit with Habitify!

Once you are in a challenge, you will be able to see the progress of your friends and chat with them.
What’s after that is inspiring each other to stay true to our commitment. Check-in and complete your habit, and finish the challenge one day at a time.

Future Plans for Challenge system
As of now, we have a few ideas on how we can improve on this challenge system:
- Creating Social Feed: seeing people who are near you also participating so you can make real life connections through Habitify.
- Break Bad Habit Challenges: with more sensitive habits that people wouldn’t feel comfortable showing their progress publicly, we aim to develop an entirely different approach.
- Collaborating with Habit Experts: we can partner up with leading experts who have mastered their craft in habit building to support Habitify users in Challenge mode.
That’s in the work for 2022!
Until then, we would love to hear your feedback on the Challenge system.
Please comment below to let us know what you think of this.