Bad Habit, Smart Reminders & More, coming with Habitify 11.0 Update
What's new in Habitify 11.0
Bad habit tracking
As humans, we all have one or more bad habits that have been deeply ingrained in our subconscious. They interrupt our life, prevent us from accomplishing our goals, jeopardize our health, waste our time and energy. Therefore, besides trying to build new good ones, it is equally important to limit those bad behaviors and tracking is essential to stay conscious and motivated along the way.

After long hours of reflecting, researching and developing, Habitify 11.0 can now officially support you in tracking your negative habits (finally 😌). For now, there are two types of goal you can set:
(1) Quit goal: Apply when you want to quit something 100%
Ex: No Smoking, No Social Media.
(2) Limit goal: Apply when you want to limit a habit to a specified level.
Ex: Limit Calories to 1800 kcal per day, Limit Social Media to 1 hour per day.
To start tracking, you can follow three simple steps to set up your first bad habit.
Step 1: Create a bad habit
Click (+) and select "Break bad habits". Then you can select one of our predefined Bad Habits or Create your own.
Step 2: Set it up
Just simply choose your type of goal (Quit or Limit), set up your target and pick a start date. Simple and straightforward.

Step 3: Track and See your Progress
Here is the exciting part. To keep you motivated, you can see your current streak (which is detailed to every second) right in the Journal view.
You can also see your detailed progress with Single Progress view and get insights from key metrics in selected time range:

Current Streak: the number of consecutive days that you successfully quit a bad habit
Success: The total number of successful days in the selected time range
Failed: The total number of failed days in the selected time range
Zero Day (with Limit goal only): The number of days that you totally quit a habit in the selected time range
Total (with Limit goal only): The total amount indicating how you perform your bad habits.
We hope that by adding bad habit tracking, you can get the most out of Habitify to make lifestyle changes, turn your goals into reality and living more fulfillingly ✨
Location-based and Habit Stacking Reminders
Another aspect we focus on intensively improving in this version is Reminders.
Do you ever feel timed reminders are super irrelevant sometimes? The problem here is that a day in our life is not always the same, hence there has to be a better way to send habit notifications that can fit your schedule more naturally. That's where location-based and habit stacking reminders fit perfectly.
Instead of "Remind to Hit the Gym at 6pm", how about "Remind me to Hit the Gym as soon as I leave my office" or "Remind me to Exercise 30 mins after I wake up in the morning"? Yes, now you can set this up in Habitify and get notified of your habits based on specified contexts.
Location-based Reminders
Location-based Reminders allow you to set up habit notifications based on specified locations. You will receive reminders when entering or leaving those places.

Habit-stacking reminders
For people who have yet to know about this technique, habit stacking means pairing your new habit with a current habit rather than pairing it with a particular time and location. This method, which was created by BJ Fogg as part of his Tiny Habits program, can be used to design an obvious cue for nearly any habit.
The formula of habit stacking is:
After/Before [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].
For example:
- After I pour my cup of coffee each morning, I will meditate for one minute.
- After I take off my work shoes, I will immediately change into my workout clothes.
By anchoring your new habits to existing ones, you’re training your brain to connect the actions. The existing habit becomes an obvious cue for the new one, so you don’t have to rely on intangible things like the time of day to remember to do it. The more times you successfully repeat a habit without breaking the pattern, the faster it becomes ingrained.
Here is how to you can set up habit stacking reminders:

Select Linked Habit: Choose an existing habit that you want to link the new habit with
Select Triggering Event: Triggering events include Reminder Time, Completed, Skipped, Failed. Select relevant events that you want to use as a trigger for the new habit.
Select Notification Type: There are three types of notification for you to choose: immediately, before x minutes/hours, after x minutes/hours.
Habit that you want to build: Read Book
Linked Habit: Meditate
Triggering Event: Completed
Notification Type: After 30 minutes
→ You will be reminded to Read Book 30 minutes after you complete Meditate
New iOS Widget
Last but not least, widget! iOS widget now has improved performance and more widget types that allow you to both see all habit list and detailed progress of each habit. All useful information of your habits are now kept at the forefront of your attention. More productive, more effective.

That's it for Habitify 11.0! This version marks our higher ambition and we hope you will enjoy our latest updates! Also, we want to thank all users who have been giving their time to talk with us and send us feedback. Without such contribution and support, we cannot be confident to bring in those new features. If you like the new release or have any feedback to give, let us know! Have fun with Habitify 11.0. Cheers! 🥳