How Many Steps Daily to Lose Weight: Your Best Guide in 2025

When we talk about how many steps daily to lose weight, you've probably heard the number 10,000 tossed around. It's become a magic number for people who want to get fit and lose weight, right? You may have seen it on your fitness tracker, heard about it from a friend, or read about it in a health magazine, etc.
But where did this number come from?
And more importantly, is this one-size-fits-all approach really the best way to think about our daily activity and its impact on our weight?
Keep reading because we're going to start on a journey that might just change the way you think about your everyday walk. Also, who knows? You might come up with a whole new kind of step goal by the end of this post - one that's just right for you and your unique path to health and wellness! Let’s dive in!
The Origin of 10,000 Steps
The interesting thing is that the idea of 10,000 steps didn't come from study. It was first used as a business strategy in Japan in the 1960s. Over time, though, studies have shown that 10,000 steps isn't a bad goal to have. People who often get this number tend to have:
- Lower body mass index (BMI)
- Smaller waist size
- Better heart health
But don't worry if 10,000 seems out of reach right now. When it comes to how many steps daily to lose weight, any increase in your current step count can be beneficial.

Is Fewer Steps Still Good?
Recent studies have shown that you don't have to walk 10,000 steps every day to be healthy. Some researches show that taking even 7,500 steps a day may be linked to better health. Great news if you're new to this or having trouble getting to higher step counts.
In fact, a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that women who averaged 4,400 steps a day had a significantly lower mortality rate compared to those taking 2,700 steps. Up to about 7,500 steps a day, the benefits kept going up, but then they stopped going up. This means that when considering how many steps daily to lose weight, even modest increases can have valuable effects on one's health.
How to Find Your Personal Step Goal
When thinking about how many steps daily to lose weight, it's important to remember that everyone is different. Your ideal number of steps relies on a number of things, such as:
1. How active you are right now: Even taking an extra 5,000 steps a day can help if you're not very busy right now.
2. Your age: Our goals may need to change as we get older.
3. Why you want to lose weight: If you want to lose more weight, you might try to take more steps.
4. Your health in general: If you have any health issues, you should always talk to your doctor before making big changes to how active you are.
Remember that it's not just the number of steps you take every day that will help you lose weight. You need to burn more calories than you eat in order to reach equilibrium. You can do this by walking more and watching what you eat.

How Steps Help You Lose Weight
It's helpful to look at the science behind how many steps you need to take every day to lose weight. One pound of body fat equals about 3,500 calories. In other words, you need to cut 3,500 calories from your diet in order to lose one pound of fat.
This loss can be made up by walking. A person burns about 100 calories when they walk a mile. A mile has about 2,000 steps, but that number can change based on how long your steps are. So, if you're looking for how many steps daily to lose weight, you can use this as a rough guide:
- 2,000 steps ≈ 1 mile ≈ 100 calories burned
- 10,000 steps ≈ 5 miles ≈ 500 calories burned
If you didn't change the foods you take and added 10,000 steps to your daily routine, you might lose one pound a week. Of course, this is a very simplified view. The real effects will depend on your weight, how fast you walk, and the surface you are walking on.

9 Ways to Walk More Each Day
Now that we've talked about how many steps daily to lose weight, let's look at some practical ways to increase your step count:
1. Take a walk during phone calls
It's an easy way to add steps without taking extra time out of your day.
2. Use music as motivation
Create a mix of your favorite songs and go for a walk.
3. Break up your steps throughout the day
Take short walks during breaks at work or after meals to keep up your daily step count.
4. Get to know your area better
Every week, try to find a new street or park.
5. Use commercial breaks
Instead of sitting there watching TV, stand up and walk around while the ads play.
6. Move your car farther away
If you need to run tasks, park at the farthest end of the lot.
7. Take the stairs
If you can, take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator.
8. Walk and talk
Have work talks or catch-ups with friends while walking.
9. Keep track of your progress with Habitify
Although it can be hard to keep track of your steps, apps like Habitify can help. Habitify app is truly easy to use and can help you set goals, keep track of your progress, and stay inspired on your step-counting journey.
This app lets you choose how many steps you want to take every day, from 5,000 to 10,000. It can also send you reminders to get moving and help you visualize your progress over time. If you want to reach your goal, this may be of great assistance!

If you're looking for how many steps daily to lose weight, you can use Habitify as a fantastic assistant.
Remember, when it comes to how many steps daily to lose weight, every step counts. There is no need for big raises all at once.
Other Benefits of Walking You Might Love
While we're focusing on how many steps daily to lose weight, it's worth mentioning that walking has many other health benefits:
It can make you feel better: Walking, especially outside, can help you feel less stressed and anxious.
It may lower your risk of getting some chronic diseases. For example, regular walking has been linked to lower risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.
It helps you avoid exhaustion. If you do regular physical exercise, like walking, it can give you more energy and make you less tired.
It can help you sleep better. People who walk daily often say they sleep better.
It can make you more creative. Walking, especially in nature, has been shown to make people think of new ideas.
When you think about how many steps you need to take every day to lose weight, these benefits show that you're not just trying to lose weight; you're also improving your health and well-being.
So, what have we learned about how many steps daily to lose weight? The key takeaway is: the best number for you is not 10,000 steps, but the number that works for you. Start with the steps you already take and slowly add more. This will help you get healthier.
Remember, when it comes to how many steps daily to lose weight, consistency is key. Doing a lot one day and nothing the next is not as good as walking a little every day.
Why not start right now? Set a realistic goal, get Habitify to help you track your progress, and take the first step toward better health. Each trip starts with a single step. Now is the start of your walk to better health.
To be honest, losing weight is a slow process as you start this journey. Just because you don't see results right away doesn't mean you should give up. Walking is good for your health in many more ways than just helping you lose weight. When you focus on how many steps you need to take every day to lose weight, you're not just trying to get that number off the scale. You're also investing in your health and well-being for the long run.
Now, it's time for me to turn off my computer, put on my shoes and spend time on my steps. See you guys in the next post!
Frequently Asked Questions
How many steps should you take a day to lose 2 pounds a week?
To lose 2 pounds a week, you frequently need to reduce your calorie intake by about 1,000 calories per day. While walking can contribute to this, the exact number of steps needed varies depending on specific factors such as your current weight, intensity of walking, and diet. Aim for at least 10,000 steps every day, and if you want to reach your weight loss goal, you might want to add more exercise or make changes to what you eat.
How many steps to lose 1kg per day?
To lose 1 kilogram (kg), you have to walk about 160,000 to 240,000 steps. But the goal of losing 1 kg every day is not attainable and could even be harmful. It's important to focus on healthy weight loss that lasts. A deficit of 500 to 1000 calories per day is common and can be reached through food and exercise, such as walking.