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Everyday Good Habits

10+ Everyday Good Habits to Sculpt a Better You

Jasmine Nguyen
Jasmine Nguyen
If you want to grow and get better at what you do, I have a list of 10 simple, everyday good habits that you can easily add to your routine. Though some of these habits may seem easy, they can really make your life better if you do them often.
Table of Contents

What is your most satisfying feeling?

Let me guess. One of those is the feeling of making progress.

It's not always big actions or big accomplishments that bring this kind of happiness. Instead, it's usually the result of a lot of small, steady work - the 1% gains we make every day.

And it looks like a brushstroke in a picture. Every little thing you do daily to improve yourself makes you happier, healthier, and more satisfied.

If you want to grow and get better at what you do, I have a list of 10 simple, everyday good habits that you can easily add to your routine. Though some of these habits may seem easy, they can really make your life better if you do them often.

Keep in mind that you don't have to accept them all at once! You can start making changes for yourself by starting doing just one or two. Ready to dive in?

10+ Essential Everyday Good Habits for Your Better Life

Let's take a look at some everyday good habits that can make a significant difference in your life.

Healthy Eating

Well, as an experienced person in losing weight, I want to say that it's not enough to just count calories to eat well. It has to do with giving your body the right foods. Pay attention to whole, raw foods. And it means eating a lot of different colored fruits and vegetables, lean meats like chicken or fish, and whole grains. These things are healthy and full of nutrients that keep you going.

Cut back on foods and drinks that are high in sugar. Instead, drink water all the time. Try to drink eight glasses every day. At first, it may seem like a lot, but trust me, your body will appreciate it! 

Pro tip: Use Habitify to track your water intake. Set reminders to drink water throughout the day, and log your healthy meals and snacks.

Image: Unsplash

Regular Exercise

Doing exercise is also a billionaire morning routine! Working out doesn't have to mean going to the gym for hours on end. I mean, it’s having fun while moving. Do something modest for 30 minutes most days of the week. This could be a fast walk around the block, a dance party in your living room, or a swim at the nearby pool.

Do not forget to do power training. Strength training keeps your bones strong, keeps your muscles strong, and speeds up your metabolism. Start with easy moves like squats, push-ups, and planks that you can do with your own body. 

Pro tip: Give Habitify a try to plan your workouts and track your progress. Make your goals attainable, and enjoy every small victory.

Good Sleep Habits

Good sleep is a superpower, and you should aim for 7-8 hours per night. This may appear tough at first, but it's all about establishing a routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends. Your body will appreciate you for being consistent.

And remember to make a pleasant sleep routine. This indicates to your body that it's time to relax. Perhaps read a book, listen to soothing music, or perform some easy stretches. Avoid devices an hour before bedtime since the blue light can disrupt your sleep hormones.

Stress Management

Staying calm is very important in our busy world, and being aware is a strong skill. You have to be in the present time and not judge what's going on. Start by meditating for just five minutes every day. Keep your attention on your breath, and don't let your thoughts take over.

Do things that make you feel good. Some see it as a walk in the woods. For some, it's doing something fun or listening to music. Do these things when you have time. They're not treats, they're necessary for your mental health.

Continuous Learning

Learning is one of the daily routines of successful people.

Being smart and having fun in life go hand in hand. Even if it's only for 15 minutes a day, read something different. It could be a podcast, a book, or a piece. The important thing is to keep getting new ideas.

If you're interested, take online classes or training in that subject. There are a lot of free tools out there. You could want to learn a new language, how to code, or more about art history. There are a lot of options.

Get out of your safe zone. Find a new hobby or skill to learn. Want to paint but have never tried? Do it! Are you interested in gardening? Sow some seeds! Getting better at something is just as important as getting better at it.

Pro tip: Use Habitify to track your learning goals by setting a daily reading target or logging your progress in online courses.

10+ everyday good habits that can make a significant difference in your life. Image: Unsplash


Getting things done is great, but you don't have to be busy all the time. It's about paying attention to what's important. Break down big jobs into smaller, more manageable steps to make your goals more attainable. This makes work seem possible, even if it's hard.

Set priorities for your work. Not everything is as important as it seems. Pay attention to the jobs that fit with your values and long-term goals. Keep track of your progress with apps like Habitify. Seeing your successes, no matter how small, can really push you to do better.

Positive Thinking

Thinking on the positive side is one of the most daily habits of successful people. The fact is, how you think can change everything. So, every morning, look for the good things. Perhaps all you have to do is enjoy a nice cup of coffee or a stunning morning. Write down three things you're grateful for every day as a way to practice being thankful.

Put yourself around upbeat people. Their energy makes you feel good! Don't forget that having bad days is okay. It's important not to let them define you. Just like you would with a friend, tell yourself nice things to boost your mood.

I love all the quotes that Habitify sends me every day.

Effective Communication

Good communication is the foundation of all relationships. Practice active listening. This means paying full attention to what the other person is saying and not thinking about what you are going to say next. Use your body language and careful questions to show that you're paying attention.

Tell the truth about how you feel. It's fine to show weakness. In fact, it often makes bonds stronger. When disagreements happen, try to solve them instead of arguing. Don't forget that you and your partner are up against the problem, not each other.

Nurturing Relationships

Our busy lives mean that we don't always have time for quality time. But I do believe that, it's definitely important for keeping partnerships strong. Make plans to spend time with people you care about, even if it's just for 15 minutes over coffee. Do fun things with each other. You could try a new dish, go for a walk, or play a board game.

Show your appreciation often. It's easy to show gratitude: just say "thank you" or "I appreciate you". Pay attention to and praise the little things your loved ones do. This starts a good circle of gratitude and kindness.

Being Kind

Being kind is like a wave in a pond - it affects many people after the first act. Put yourself in other people's shoes to show understanding. Even if you don't agree with them, try to see things from their point of view.

Help someone who is having a hard time. It's enough to just be there and listen sometimes. Do nice things for no reason. It could be as easy as holding the door open for someone or writing a nice comment on a friend's Facebook post. These little things can make someone's day better and make you feel better too!

Image: Unsplash

5 Steps to Build and Keep Your Everyday Good Habits

Now, let's talk about making these everyday good habits stick!

Set SMART Goals

Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and have a due date. Try "walk for 30 minutes, 5 days a week" instead of "work out more."

Start Small

I know you want to push yourself up. But trying to change everything at once doesn’t seem a good idea. Pick one or two everyday good habits that you can do every day. It's like putting up a house one brick at a time.

Make it Fun

It’s the thing: You won't do it if it feels like work. Discover fun ways to enjoy your new habits. You could listen to your favorite podcast while you work out, or you could make cooking healthy meals a fun family exercise.

Track Your Progress

It's very inspiring to see how far you've come. Keep an eye on your everyday good habits with a habit tracker app like Habitify. It's like seeing your growth happen right in front of your eyes!

Find a Buddy

Tell a friend or family member about your plans. It helps a lot to have someone cheer you on.

Use Habitify

This app was born to help you form positive habits. First, make your own goals for your everyday good habits. Then, get friendly alerts to help you stay on track. Making friends with people who are also trying to change their habits is also an ideal idea!

Last Thoughts

Just a friendly reminder: Never miss twice. Because if you miss twice, you’ll start to form a new habit of inconsistency. So, if you miss one day, try to get back on track as soon as possible.

There is a prompt that I tell myself a thousand times: Discipline is picking what you want most over what you want right now. Hope it helps!

Why not start today? Pick one of these everyday good habits and give it a try. Remember to utilize a habit tracker, such as Habitify, to keep track of your progress and motivation. Before you know it, you'll be shocked at how far you've come.