Welcome To Our New Logo
Why a new logo?
At Habitify, we believe that self-reflection is key to personal growth. We apply this notion not only to Habitify itself - we help users make better reflections through habit metrics, but also to how we develop Habitify.
Every once in a while, we make reviews of where Habitify is at, what impacts we have made on the world and decide what we could do better.
Most importantly, the way we do review is not to look at what we have done for our users, but what our users have done for us.
Yes, you are not only our users - you are the ultimate source of inspiration for every development step we take. And this new logo is no exception.

Let’s take a comparison to see the point.
Our old logo was a decent representation of Habitify’s core functionalities - helping people track habits and view their progress. It was an image of different streaks on the habit calendar that created a tick of completion.
However, the most important thing about an app is not what functionalities it has but how it actually changes people's lives.
That’s why we decided to redesign Habitify’s logo, so that it could tell the story of how Habitify has changed its users’ lives, and more importantly, how our users have changed us.
And here come the stories of yours
1. h for Higher - You tell us there is no limit to being better
Despite Habitify setting out as a self-development tool with a mission to guide people to become better, we honestly believe that our users have taught us more lessons about self-improvement than we teach them.
On our last project to reach out to ~200 members of Habitify who have been using Habitify for over a year, we found it hard to put into words how inspired we were at your stories of becoming better. We found that:
Habitify Community is full of people dedicated to personal growth. You are from all walks of life. You come to Habitify with all kinds of reasons and goals for self-development. But the one thing you all have in common, is a mindset of never-ending growth.
It is Kirk who went from a 9-5 desk sitter to a marathon winner after only 8 months.
It is Ilya who went from an alcoholic to superman swimming under the 4-Celsius-degree water of Russia.
It is Edward who had 79 habits on his list but still successfully managed his job as a Vice President of Financial Analysis at Bank of America.
It is Ana, Vadim, Davide, Pawel, Max, Mike, Alex, Imran, Micheal, Dymtro, and so many more amazing journeys of becoming better.
These people know no limits to self-improvement. They dedicate themselves to growing more no matter where they are. They never stop reaching higher, whether it means coming closer to their goals or setting up higher goals.
If every personal development practitioner out there, including every member of Habitify community, could pick up this mindset, imagine how much we could become, and how much better this world could become.
That is why we decided it is a must-have for our logo.
To signify the mindset of constant improvement, we created a logo element resembling an upward arrow, stylized in a minimal way, inclined a bit to bring a sense of movement rather than stillness.
We hope that you can attach this beautiful moving arrow to the word “Higher”, so that every time you see Habitify logo, you are reminded of the mindset that Habitify members adopt to develop themselves successfully and know that you are on the right track too.
2. h for Harness the power of data - You tell us that metrics is the way
Habit building is hard, and Habitify was created to make it easier. What we have tried to do for the last 5 years is to understand the core problems habit builders face and design the features to conquer them.
However, we surely did not know everything about habit-building when we started developing Habitify. What we did all the time was to learn and find out the answer to the ultimate question: Out of all these tips and advice, what would work best for our users?
So we learn from everywhere: books and Google, experts and people, even our own habit-building experiences, but most importantly, we learn from you.
Thanks to you, we know what we should do and what we could improve. Thanks to you, we know things that matter most to our users to focus on. And that brings us to Habitify today - a minimal, data-driven habit tracking app.
It did not take us much time to realize that progress statistics is important to our users, but it was until late 2019 that we realized these data truly hold the key to our users’ success.
This huge discovery was thanks to various talks with our users who have built habits lasting for over a year. They shared with us different ways that Habitify helps to improve their lives, yet there is one thing they all have in common.
They carefully observe Habitify statistics and could turn them into actionable and strategic adjustment for growth. Here are two examples of how they do it:
Pawel - a busy business analyst who manages to live a mentally fulfilling life with 30 habits, would use habit data to build up his discipline.
He said while we might think that we are working on a habit and only skipping it “sometimes”, hard statistics will tell us that we are only lying to ourselves. This helps us stay true to ourselves, hence either feel the necessary guilt to get back on track, or the pleasure to keep on the momentum.
Davide - a CTO who successfully pursues his passion for learning Japanese, would use Habitify habit metrics to analyze and review his progress every month, then constantly adjust his learning routine for optimization, and also deepen his understanding of his personal development process.
To Davide, we can achieve a lot more than we think of ourselves if we learn how to manage our projects better, including one of personal development. With habit metrics beyond ticks and streaks, we could tackle habit building in a more strategic, hence more efficient way.
You can see that what is special about Pawel and Davide is that they not only observe their performance carefully but also analyze and apply it for adjustment.
Through translating habit metrics into habit-building strategies that set them up for success, they have successfully “harnessed the power of data”. And that is also what we hope each of our users could do.
To help spread this amazing idea of habit analytics to habit mastering, we brought it to our logo.
It’s simple: the two blocks in our logo symbolize column charts, which represents our emphasis not only on streaks like traditional habit trackers, but on many other kinds of charts and graphs.
This variety aims to help our users understand their progress better, hence could improve their habit-building journey with ease and strategies.
3. h for Hit the goal - You tell us that there is no other way to success than taking action every day
In our community, there are people who have done incredible things. They have achieved goals that were truly transformational, only with one thing - consistency.
It was a 10-year battle, and victory, with procrastination.
It was a fight between a given illness and a chosen meaningful life.
It was a break with alcoholism and the start of peak health and well-being.
It was a swift juggle between C-level professions and fulfilling personal life.
These are only some of their stories. We are so lucky to have listened to all and got the chance to ask every one of them the famous question of how - how could they achieve their goals.
In the end, we found that it is nowhere near some stunning tips and tricks, but all boils down to the simple notion of consistency - they do it every day. Here are some of their valuable sharing:
“It is easy as a piece of cake to say “I want to grow, I want to be healthy, I want to be professional”, but really, the hardest part is to break that saying down into small, recurring steps that are traceable and executable, and to follow them every day. It’s all about making tiny steps towards a better life.” - Pawel
“Regularity is the key and you must understand that sometimes it’s too hard to continue, but also you must know that already tomorrow maybe you’ll feel much better if you save the streak. The result can only be felt AFTER you’ve overcome all the hardship to actually do it!” - Ilya
You can see that there is no big secret behind success, especially in the field of personal development. The only answer to the question of how to reach our goals is to consciously take action every single day. And with time, we could enjoy the compound effect of habits.

If every member of Habitify could truly understand this idea and bring it to life, it’s only a matter of time before you get to exactly where you want to be.
We truly feel the need to get this strong message across to all of our users, so again, we put it on the logo, illustrated by a single dot. This dot is a symbolization of a goal.
It is not only a long-term goal but also the daily goal you need to hit until you reach that final goal. We hope that this would always remind you of your goals and ignite internal motivation within you so that you could become the better you that you long for.
4. h for “habitify” - It is YOUR very own journey to master your habits
To sum it up, our users have shown us which is the right mindset to have, what is the right thing to do, and how to actually do it and reach our goals.
You can see that in the end, Habitify is not about the app itself, or a developer team anymore.
Habitify is about you and your very own personal development journey.
It is you that helps shape Habitify today. It is you that helps us see what truly matters. Everything we do, every change we make, every blog post we publish, is about you, thanks to you, and for you.
And that is why we no longer have our “Habitify” capitalized. The “habitify” word in our new logo is now written in lowercase, which makes it a verb - an action to take, rather than a name.
What we hope you would remember is: Habitify is not about us, it’s about you.
You are the ultimate hero of your self-improvement story, and we are here as your trusted assistant. Together, we will successfully “habitify” our lives and become the best version of ourselves.
So what’s next?
A change in our logo is only the beginning of a journey dedicated to you. We are working on more updates on all versions to bring you the best experience.
For now, you can check out our Mac version for the most evident updates. For Android and iOS, new development will be available very soon, so stay tuned!